Thursday, February 12, 2009

the journal special

I enjoyed Montevideo, but probably would've really tackled
some psycho killer beavers have no class
The Cold Splash of Reality a side of sizzle
upon the starling jetty
liked it more had I had time to explore

outside of the old city, mired in bad feeds with misspelling.
Moreover, it's better to know folks
comfy charm that "tornados" like myself miss
naming the greatest meanderer after myself the history of
I found some poetry there

Buenos Aires was extensive, and we walked extensively.
We also stopped in for amazing meat reunion

I kept a travel journal, you canread it
but unfriendly mostly
I'll let you know when feasibility happens.
Whereas the greater specifics rule cajun

1 comment:

John Pluecker said...

dude! pics!