Thursday, July 23, 2009

you are stupid if you are a real man

you are stupid if you are a real man and depressed
you are stupid if your area is a real man depressed
you are stupid if urea is a real man depressed
you are stupid if your lemon is a real man
you are depressed stupid, a depressing stupid
You are a stupid depressed Colombian University student from Columbia, SC
you are a depressed dentist, stupidly Colombian.
You are a stunning depressed stupid stumbler, Columbus!
You are stupid if you are a real man and present
when depressed, I like to be absent
from the faculty I use as a real man located in Colombian politics
and University stupidity, dePRESSED.
Your dentist area is depressed and real, man am I politics!
Man am I Colombian. Politician stupid! A student
from a real man goes depressed on a University sampler
in SC on a bus traveling at a stupid speed,
too stupid for depression
in Colombia especially are real men and being
if you are stupid and in your area your are not a real man
certainly not a depressed on, Colombian.
you are stupid and so is your urea man.
Columbus stumped with stupid stunted Universities, depressed
Depressed is the real man answer to Colombian lemon.

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