Saturday, January 24, 2009


I punch with my love into your face
Heart shaped fists
Shorn by a community of sheep
I roll into your village one day

With a steamroller of pure hugs
And if the maker of these hugs
Has rotten meanings
Correct recounts of rotten dirty love
My steamroller with plush love corrects
My pinch (are you awake?)

Can make a tantric workload pour better
And proud of mechanical love
I have unearthed
The newly designed
Love rocket

Collect your muscular playthings
War shaping affection
Are they in regular ordered love punches
So what everybody get love juice in
That punch

Japan’s allure is much milder
A stranglehold of heart feathers –
Heart feathers just are feathers
Belonging to the heart –
This occurs in most modest wrestling.


Anonymous said...

So, I decided to check out what was on the old Daley blog today, and I just lost it on the first line. Once the tears of laughter dried up, I found one of the most hilarious and affecting poems you've written. The ending is also wonderful. Cheers.


Matt D said...

This is a very intriguing poem, thank you!