Sunday, July 13, 2008

I had promised to change

Two eggs, milkshakes, the rigors of training
Climbing this wall I’ve been my happiest
When I found my tuck to be satisfactory
And seem to find harmony
Prepared with most experts
And am livening their steak terms with my bloodparts

My many tears and flavor meal skimping
To win big in storage economies
Cannot produce results of pure crept
Where the water in my hydration series sept

Try playing basketball in one depth
Your result ends the bloat

And today’s bargains are flying off their loq’d
Contagious bloat
Before my regular shift

Crockett cap you can change me
But first sway into a crowd

That a billboard should be there
Two laps round, one holding you within turbines
Made to confuse your choices with words
Some simple word that you cannot decide
Like where to eat when strangers are in town

Until dizziness gives the grass burn
You can see the dripping fat
Really popular around Olympic weeks

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