Wednesday, February 23, 2011

TOEFL Essay - most important event

Q. Discuss one significant event or movement that has occurred during your lifetime. Why is it important? Use reasons and examples to support your response.

One significant movement that has happened during my lifetime has been flarf. You may laugh, or you may cry; you may stick a turtle in the eye while filming a movie in the Amazon, but you may not escape flarf.

Flarf is an understanding machine. I am so lucky, but I am luckier with schools. If you slam your hand in the door and simultaneously ponder its description, flarf answers. There is a precipitous closing of how we interpret events. Just like she says the meeting is meaty and watery and I say its pudding pop and dirigible. That is to say, we launch missiles with gas from Location A to strike Location B without knowing who is at the latter place. Where is the greater gas congestion? How can we know if people are constantly moving thanks to globalization? If only we would stop shuffling labor and employment around, we could hit someone in Location B. The poorer any location is, the less likely you will have the correct targets there to bomb. In a sense, flarf means to intercept all meaning at Location B and turn it into a sumptuous fest of language. The bomb cannot them permeate; intelligence ideals, like spying, goes bust with a sea of incorrect images and signs. I don’t know if a missile here is worth it because unicorns feast on fluctuating rice shortages. That’s the powerful and naturalizing ability of clogged language.

Flarf is honestly like a bowel. If any knives are real enough to cauterize a one to one interpretation, where this one to one is a huge chef who is constantly running to the bathroom, the deepness cuts. However, flarf isn’t deep, so flarf cannot control pain. Target suffering and address to be selfish, but rather help to distract them and turn corners. If we watch the wrong channel, then instead of interpretation we’re incorretly supplied. We ruin our facts. I honestly think there are more interpretations than facts worth changing.

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